Why Employment Law is Important for Your Business

In this video, we’ll talk about why employment law is important for your business. We’ll discuss the different types of laws that affect businesses and the things you should do to stay compliant. Employment law is a complex area, and it’s important to be aware of the different types of laws that affect your business. […]

5 of the Most Common Defenses to Breach of Contracts

In this video, we will cover 5 of the most common defenses to breach of contracts. These defenses include consent, mistake, misrepresentation, duress, and estoppel. If you’ve made a mistake while contracting, or someone has forced you to contract in a way you didn’t want to, these are the defenses you can use to protect […]

Know the Differences Between a “Good” Lawyer and a “Bad” Lawyer

In this video, I’ll share the differences between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer. Then, we’ll explore the different types of lawyers and what makes a good lawyer. After watching this video, you’ll be able to identify a good lawyer from a bad lawyer and know how to find one that’s right for you. […]

5 Signs Your Lawyer Is Not a Good Fit | When To Find New Legal Counsel


https://youtu.be/v4hJ_O3zMnU These warning signs can help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Not all attorneys are right for you or your matter. Finding a good lawyer is vital if you want the best outcome in your matter. These are five signs you need to find different counsel.   NOTICE: The information on this website […]

5 Tips for Finding an Excellent Lawyer


https://youtu.be/s0wc42rGyG4 Here are five tips to help you find an excellent lawyer. Remember you have a choice and the relationship you have with your attorney is very important. It is more important to find a lawyer with who you can have a good relationship with, than one who is “cheap.” It is worth spending the […]