Employee vs Independent Contractor (California)

In this video, we’re going to be discussing the difference between an employee and an independent contractor in California. We’re also going to be talking about AB 5 – the 2020 gig economy bill – and how it might affect Dynamex and other companies operating in the California gig economy. If you’re working in the […]
8 Things You Need to Know BEFORE You Hire Your First Employee

https://youtu.be/DaSB_rv5z1U Looking to hire your first employee? Congratulations! Many small business owners are ecstatic at the prospect of growing and offloading tasks off their plate. Before you do, you need to make sure you are taking care of these crucial steps, so you do not have problems down the road. Watch this video to make […]
7 Questions That Are Illegal to Ask An Employee

https://youtu.be/QcfPudMuB0Q If you are an employer, asking these questions of your employees can land you in some serious hot water. Whether it is your first or most recent hire, make sure you do not ask these questions! It is not worth the hassle and harm they will cause. NOTICE: The information on this website does […]
What You Need to Know about Hiring Virtual Workers for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you may be considering using virtual workers to expand your workforce. A virtual worker is an employee who uses technology to complete their duties outside of the traditional workplace setting. Many businesses today find this workforce model attractive for several reasons. For one, having a virtual business work model allows […]
How to Attract Stellar Employees for Your Small Business

Although 58 percent of small business owners indicated that they had hired or tried to hire employees, 86 percent found that there were few or no qualified applicants for their open positions. Nevertheless, there are some strategies that your small business can use to attract excellent employees, even in a tight job market.
Summer is Here: Should Your Small Business Have a Vacation Policy?

There is no legal requirement for businesses to offer paid or unpaid vacation time to employees, but it is common knowledge (and common sense) that employees who occasionally take time off are more productive and engaged when they return to work. If you offer vacation time to your employees, a well-drafted vacation policy will help […]
What You Need to Know About Non-Compete Agreements for Your Employees

A small business that has invested substantial resources in developing a product or a customer base could be devastated if its employees then go to work for a competitor down the street or set up their own competing business. A non-competition agreement is an important tool that could protect your business from former employees who […]
Legally Terminating Employees

Most small business owners will occasionally have to face the unpleasant task of firing an employee. Small businesses rely heavily on each employee. An underperforming employee may not only lower the morale of other employees who have to pick up the slack, but may also jeopardize the success of the business. When an employee must […]
Does Your Small Business Need a Social Media Policy?

According to 2018 data provided by SCORE, the largest provider of volunteer business mentors in the United States, 77% of U.S. small businesses use social media for their sales, marketing, and customer service. If you plan to usesocial media to promote your business, a social media policy is essential to protect your business’s reputation and […]
What Counts as “Hours Worked” Under the Fair Labor Standards Act?

If your small business has non-exempt employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you must pay those employees under its minimum wage and overtime requirements for all “hours worked.” This may seem like a simple requirement, but figuring out what is considered “hours worked” may be more complicated than it seems at first […]