How to Make Passive Income from Home with These Simple Strategies

Are you looking for ways to make passive income from home? If so, you’re in luck! In this video, I’ll share with you some simple strategies for making passive income from the comfort of your own home. From simple online marketing strategies to building a passive income portfolio, these strategies will help you make a […]
Do You REALLY Understand How a Mortgage Works?

This video will discuss the basics of mortgages and how they work. We’ll explain what a mortgage is, how a mortgage works, and the different types of mortgages. If you’re wondering how a mortgage works or if you should get a mortgage, this video is for you! By the end of this video, you’ll better […]
5 Tips for Safe and Profitable Real Estate Investing

In this video, we’re going to teach you the basics of real estate investing. We’ll discuss the different types of real estate, the different methods of investing in real estate, and the various benefits of real estate investing. If you’re interested in investing in real estate, then this video is for you! By the end […]
Is it Too Late to Start a California LLC? How to Create an LLC

In this video, we’re going to cover the topic of how to create an LLC in California. If you’re interested in starting your own business, this video is for you! We’ll discuss the pros and cons of an LLC, as well as the step-by-step process of creating one. After watching this video, you’ll know all […]
Which is Right for You: A Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Business Trust?

In this video, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of LLCs and business trusts. We’ll provide you with information on what each is and what they offer so that you can make an informed decision about which is right for you. LLCs and business trusts are good options if you want to protect your […]
Exact Steps to Creating a Legally Binding Contract

This video will walk you through creating a legally binding contract. Contracts are a crucial part of business, and it’s essential to create a properly-formal contract. This video will walk you through creating a contract from beginning to end. After watching this video, you’ll be able to create a legally binding contract that benefits both […]
5 Things You Need To Do AFTER Starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

So, you’ve started an LLC. Now what? In this episode, we go over the next steps to make sure that you are ready to go and have a strong foundation to keep your new limited liability company (LLC) running like a well-oiled machine! NOTICE: The information on this website does not constitute legal […]
Can A Corporation Own Real Estate (a House)?

This informative video explores whether a corporation can own real estate, including residential properties such as houses. Join us as we delve into the world of real estate ownership by corporations and unravel the legal and practical considerations involved. We will guide you through the intricacies, making complex concepts accessible to viewers of all backgrounds. […]