Entrepreneurship – Growing a Small Business (Part Two)

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to grow a small business. Part Two of this series will focus on how to market and sell your business. If you’re interested in starting your own small business, then this video is for you! In this second video, we’ll discuss ways to market and sell […]
Entrepreneurship – Growing a Small Business (Part One)

Are you interested in starting your own small business? In this video, we’ll be discussing the basics of entrepreneurship, from developing a business idea to starting your business from scratch. We’ll cover everything you need to know to start and grow your own small business! Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Growing a […]
What is A Startup Business? Startup Business vs Small Business. The Ultimate Guide

In this video, we’ll be discussing what a Startup Business is and how it’s different from a Small Business. We’ll also give you a breakdown of the two types of businesses and outline the key differences. If you’re thinking of starting a business in the future, be sure to watch this video! We’ll give you […]
Are Business Owners Considered Employees? Here’s The Truth

It can be confusing about running your own business. In this video, we discuss whether you are an owner or employee (or sometimes both). Watch this video to find out so your small business can be prepared. https://youtu.be/QS3wCOIdWpY NOTICE: The information on this website does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely on […]