3 Do’s and Don’ts When You Sell Your Business

In this video, I’m sharing 3 Do’s and Don’ts when you sell your business. These tips will help you prevent common mistakes and ensure a smooth sale. Selling your business can be a exciting and nerve-wracking process, but with the right information and guidance, it can be a smooth and successful transition. Watch this video […]

Small Business Hired Your First Employee? Here’s What to Do Next

Your business has grown to the point that you need to hire a new employee! That’s awesome! In this video, we discuss the steps entrepreneurs and small businesses need to make sure the new employee gets off to a successful start.   https://youtu.be/gxh2MiwmYCw NOTICE: The information on this website does not constitute legal advice. You […]

Top 5 Reasons To Buy A Business

Thinking about starting a business? Sometimes it makes sense to just buy a business. In this video, we discuss the best reasons why you should buy a business instead of starting a business from scratch. Buying a business can be a cost-effective way to save time, money, and avoid falling. Buying a distressed business for […]

Are Business Owners Considered Employees? Here’s The Truth

It can be confusing about running your own business. In this video, we discuss whether you are an owner or employee (or sometimes both). Watch this video to find out so your small business can be prepared.   https://youtu.be/QS3wCOIdWpY NOTICE: The information on this website does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely on […]

Before You Buy A Business…WATCH THIS!

Don’t start a business until you watch this! It’s the latest fad, rather than starting your own business, you decide to buy a business. Make sure you tune in to find out some of the issues you are going to face when you are looking at purchasing your new venture.   https://youtu.be/XFYUahAjGxE NOTICE: The information […]

The Complete Guide To Hiring Your First Employee

Congratulations! You are hiring your first employee. Where do you start? In today’s video, we discuss every aspect of hiring your first employee. If you are ready, let’s get started on helping your business reach the next level. We discuss the hiring process for your small business. Being an entrepreneur does not mean you have […]

Need More Working Capital? Here’s What You Need to Know


https://youtu.be/RuZUprxv5co We know that working capital (money) is the lifeblood of any business. Too little? You are out of business? Tune in and find out how to get more working capital for your small business.   NOTICE: The information on this website does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely on any information without […]

8 Things You Need to Know BEFORE You Hire Your First Employee


https://youtu.be/DaSB_rv5z1U Looking to hire your first employee? Congratulations! Many small business owners are ecstatic at the prospect of growing and offloading tasks off their plate. Before you do, you need to make sure you are taking care of these crucial steps, so you do not have problems down the road. Watch this video to make […]