Before You Give An Employee A Raise…WATCH THIS!

Are you finally in a place to give that long-overdue raise to that rockstar employee? Before you do, make sure to watch this video. Giving an employee a raise can have some expected legal consequences. Tune in to find out how a raise can affect your business. Asking for a raise can be intimidating for […]
7 Questions That Are Illegal to Ask An Employee If you are an employer, asking these questions of your employees can land you in some serious hot water. Whether it is your first or most recent hire, make sure you do not ask these questions! It is not worth the hassle and harm they will cause. NOTICE: The information on this website does […]
The Employee Handbook: The Holy Grail of Your Business

Employee handbooks address the who, what, where, why, and how of your business operations. Your employee handbook will protect you and your business by setting expectations and providing consistency for your employees when situations arise. What Information Should an EmployeeHandbook Include? Ideally, employee handbooks address anything significant related to your company, employees, operating policies, […]