Learn What a Business Litigation Attorney Does and Why You Need One
In this video, we’re going to explore what a business litigation attorney does and why you may need one. We’ll discuss the types of cases that a business litigation attorney might be involved in and some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring one. If you’re in business and facing any legal challenge, get a […]
San Diego Business Attorney Explains What Litigation is and How it Works
In this video, I’m going to explain what litigation is and how it works. I’ll also give you a brief overview of the different types of litigation, and explain the different steps that a lawsuit typically takes. If you’re a business owner in San Diego, then you’ll want to watch this video! By understanding the […]
Do I Need An Attorney? San Diego Business Lawyer Answers | Think Legal, P.C.
In this video, we’re talking to a San Diego business lawyer about whether or not you need an attorney. First, we’ll take a look at some of the most common legal issues business owners face and ask the lawyer whether or not they need legal representation. Think Legal, P.C. is a reputable business attorney who […]
Know the Differences Between a “Good” Lawyer and a “Bad” Lawyer
In this video, I’ll share the differences between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer. Then, we’ll explore the different types of lawyers and what makes a good lawyer. After watching this video, you’ll be able to identify a good lawyer from a bad lawyer and know how to find one that’s right for you. […]
What to Look for When You Need an Attorney Fast!
Need an attorney fast? Let us help! In this video, we’ll share with you what to look for when you need an attorney fast. From finding an experienced lawyer to getting a consultation, we’ll help you find the right lawyer for your needs. If you’re in a jam and need an attorney as soon as […]
Make Sure Your Small Business Is Covered During A Lawsuit With These 5 Important Litigation Tips!
Lawsuits can destroy your business. They don’t have to. This video discusses five important tips to prevail in a lawsuit. Litigation for a small business can be time-consuming and costly. As an entrepreneur, you should be spending time building your business not worrying about a lawsuit. Make sure in your business plan that you include […]
How Your Business Can Survive A Lawsuit
Litigation is costly, time-consuming, and can destroy your business if you are not careful. In this video, we discuss ways you can prevent a lawsuit from ending your business. Seventy-five percent of all businesses are sued at some time in their business, it’s not a matter of if, but when you will be fighting your […]
Are You Personally Liable If Your Business Is Sued?
Some people think that because you have a business entity such as a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation that you don’t have to worry about getting sued. In some instances that is true; however, that is not always the case. In this video, we discuss when you can be held personally liable if […]
5 Reasons Why You NEED to Hire a Lawyer
In this video, we’ll discuss the importance of hiring a lawyer and explain why you should do so. We’ll cover five reasons why hiring a lawyer is important and will provide you with resources to find the right lawyer for you. If you need legal help and don’t know where to turn, be sure to […]
5 Signs Your Lawyer Is Not a Good Fit | When To Find New Legal Counsel
https://youtu.be/v4hJ_O3zMnU These warning signs can help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Not all attorneys are right for you or your matter. Finding a good lawyer is vital if you want the best outcome in your matter. These are five signs you need to find different counsel. NOTICE: The information on this website […]