5 Differences Between a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and a Corp

https://youtu.be/gVxIBXgFta0 Confused about the differences between a limited liability company (LLC) and a corporation? Today we are going to focus on five differences. If you are thinking about starting a business knowing the difference can be crucial. Thinking about using Legalzoom LLC? Watch this video first! NOTICE: The information on this website does not […]
4 Situations That DON’T Require An LLC

In this video, we explore four specific situations in which forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) may not be necessary or the most suitable choice for your business. Join us as we navigate various scenarios and discuss alternative business structures that may better align with specific needs and circumstances. We will guide you through the […]
7 Legal Issues to Consider Before Selling Your Product Online

If you are considering expanding your physical business or starting a home-based business, selling your products online is a great way to reach additional customers. Before you sell products online, there are several legal issues you should know to ensure that your business complies with the law and that your interests are protected. Business Entity […]
5 Steps to Take When Winding Down (Closing) Your Business

There are many reasons business owners close shop (winding down), including retirement, starting a new venture or, hopefully, because they’ve won the lottery. No matter what the reason, it’s important to diligently wind down a business before moving on. Here are five steps to take: 1. Reach Consensus If you’re a sole proprietor, then the […]
What Is An S-Corporation (S-Corp)?

In this video, we explore the concept of an S-Corporation and provide a comprehensive understanding of this unique business entity. Join us as we delve into S-Corporations’ world and unravel their distinctive features. Our knowledgeable host will guide you through the intricacies, making complex concepts accessible to viewers of all backgrounds. Discover the definition and […]
Is A Limited Liability Company (LLC) Incorporated?

In this enlightening video, we explore the question of whether a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is incorporated, providing a comprehensive understanding of the legal structure of an LLC. Join us as we navigate the world of LLCs and unravel the legal aspects of their formation. We will guide you through the intricacies, making complex concepts […]
S-Corp vs Limited Liability Company (LLC)

In this video, we compare and contrast two popular business structures, S-Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), to help you decide when choosing the correct entity for your business. Join us as we explore the unique features of S-Corporations and LLCs, highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and legal implications. We will guide you through the intricacies, […]
Corporation vs Limited Liability Company (LLC)

In this insightful video, we compare and contrast two popular business structures, corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), to help you make an informed decision when choosing the correct entity for your business. Join us as we explore the distinct features of corporations and LLCs, highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and legal implications. Our knowledgeable host […]
Where Do Corporations Reside?

In this video, we delve into the concept of corporate residency and explore the key considerations regarding the location and domicile of corporations. Join us as we navigate the world of corporate residency and uncover the factors that determine a corporation’s legal and operational presence. Discover the significance of a corporation’s registered office address and […]
What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Limited Liability Company?

In this video, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), providing you with a balanced view of this popular business structure. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner considering restructuring options, understanding the pros and cons of an LLC is crucial. Join us as we explore the […]