
Business Formation
Taylor Darcy

To LLC or Not to LLC, That is The Question!

One of the questions that I get asked often, is “do I really need an LLC”? Like a good attorney, my answer is, “it depends.” The choice of whether or not to form an LLC depends on a number of factors.  You should review your goals with a licensed attorney

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Business Formation
Taylor Darcy

Limits on Limited Partnerships

You need the money. You have found the perfect partner. They are willing to put up the capital and be a “silent” partner. The problem is, they do not want to be liable for the partnerships’ debts. Limited partnerships might be the perfect solution. They have some significant benefits over sole

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Business Formation
Taylor Darcy

5 Reasons Your Single-Member LLC Needs an Operating Agreement

An operating agreement is a contract that controls your LLC’s operations as well as member interaction with each other and with the LLC. You may think that an operating agreement is not necessary for your single-member LLC – after all – why make an agreement with yourself? Is the Operating

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Business Planning
Taylor Darcy

Not All Attorneys Litigate (Sue People)

There is a false perception that all attorneys do is litigate. This false notion is perpetuated by legal movies and television shows. Every attorney in a movie or on television is in court all the time. They live for the argument. There is always a surprise witness or piece of

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Man looking at a sunset - business planning
Business Planning
Taylor Darcy

Removing the Rose-Colored Lenses of Starting a Business

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners begin their careers with a little too much enthusiasm and too little pragmatism.  They have on proverbial rose-colored lenses Entrepreneur dream of being their own boss and all the benefits that go with it.  They fail to recognize that owning your business is hard

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Business Formation
Taylor Darcy

A Partnership Made in Heaven

You have decided to start a business, but you do not want to do it alone. A friend of yours has the capital and experience that you need. It is a partnership made in heaven. You begin doing business as a partnership.  One of you handles the books and the

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Business Formation
Taylor Darcy

So you have a great idea for a business?

You have a great idea for a business.  Where do you start? You are tired of the daily grind.  There is more to life than just earning a paycheck.  You have always had a dream of owning your own business. Starting a business is a lot of work.  Make no

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