The Personal Guarantee: 5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Reduce Their Liability

Small businesses make a considerable contribution to the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, starting a new business is risky. Lenders view loans to small businesses, particularly start-ups, as among the riskiest they make, particularly when there is little or no credit history or business revenue on which to base their decision. To lessen their risk, lenders frequently […]

Independent Contractor or Employee: It’s Very Easy to Cross the Line

Many businesses prefer to hire independent contractors because there’s often less overhead and fewer expenses (i.e., taxes). However, classify an employee as an independent contractor, and you’re in big trouble. Here’s how to legally differentiate between the two. Who Controls the Worker?  This question can be challenging to answer.  According to the U.S. Internal Revenue […]

Are your LLC Interests Actually Securities?

Securities law is a complex minefield that terrifies even the most seasoned lawyers. As a small business owner, it is your responsibility to make sure you’re complying with all the securities laws, both federal and state, that may apply to your business. Most people think that only corporate stock qualifies as securities, but did you […]

4 Social Media Mistakes that May Put Your Company’s IP at Risk

Being active on social media is hardly a choice anymore for small to medium-sized businesses—it’s a given.  Your customers are there.  Connecting with your target audience on the social web can boost your brand and level the playing field between you and big competitors with larger advertising budgets.  But before you rush out to tweet […]

What Is The Difference Between an LLC and an LLP?

If you are starting a new business, the business entity you set up will affect the extent of personal liability, how the business is taxed, its management, the level of formality required, and many other factors. There are a lot of options, which can make this decision overwhelming. Limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability […]